Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September is almost gone

Today I remembered why I don't enjoy Slimfast. As far as diet drinks go, it's not bad. But it's not exactly something to savour (the British spelling just looks better) either.

I've been studying for way too long. So I turned to the only thing that could possibly save me from insanity: classic rock.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another update

If you liked the pink and brown background, I apologize. I like this one about 40 times better. There are still some glitches that I'm trying to figure out. Thanks for the bake sales to raise money, cards, words of encouragement and the occasional fruit basket (you know who you are).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

An update

I'm really starting to resent my blog background. I don't have an explanation for that. Probably something Freudian.

In other news: some truths have made their way into the light (inotherwords: into my brain. Finally). So, I thought I'd share with them you.

1. Kegan and I drink a lot of milk. Vats of it.
2. I am terrible at Japanese. TERRIBLE.
3. Macaroons are delicious.
4. When I'm looking for the big things, it generally ends up that I'm not looking for anything at all.
5. I have huge calves. It's like walking around with mini boulders (the only time "mini" and "my calves" will ever appear in the same sentence) attached to my legs. If I'm not exercising, they go to fat. If I am exercising, they get even bigger and turn to rock. The only way they'd be smaller would be if I were malnourished. I'm not so interested in that.
6. Working in nursery is fun.
7. I will probably never get more than six hours of sleep a night during the week.
8. Oatmeal is not so bad.
9. Comparing myself to others is bad.
10. I still compare myself to others.
11. The Food Network has taught me many wonderful things.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm trying to

make my blog less... hideous? boring? bland? Yes. This is a background I found. I don't think I really like it much though. I just want you to know that I'm trying.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Boy Bands, etc

Today in my Spanish lit class my professor had us sing Backstreet Boys. She put the lyrics to “I Want It That Way” on her Powerpoint presentation. She played the music. She made us sing. Then she put up the words to Al Yankovic’s “I Bought It on Ebay.” She played the music. Again, she made us sing. It was excellent.

I know all the words to most Backsteet Boys and N’SYNC songs. No matter how much time may pass, no matter how many times BSB tries and fails to make a successful comeback, no matter how many people tell you that the “Cry Me and River” and “SexyBack” days have been Justin Timberlake’s best—I will always know (and cherish?) the words to those songs.

“Tell me why-ee!
Ain’t nothing but a heartache.
“Tell my why-ee!
Ain’t nothing but a mistake.”
“Tell me why-ee!
I never want to hear you say,
I want it that way.”

In other news, I’m reading (and close to finishing) How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn. It makes me love and want to go Wales even more. And so, I give you a small slice that I discovered while I was reading Valley today:

“I am not worried now and I never have or will. You must learn to tell worry from thought, and thought from prayer. Sometimes a light will go from your life, Huw, and your life becomes a prayer, till you are strong enough to stand under the weight of your own thoughts again.” Pg. 358

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jaja, jeje!

Why is it that lame jokes aren’t so lame in a second language? I’ve had many Spanish classes where my professors will make some remark or crack some joke that really isn’t that clever or witty, but everyone laughs. And it’s real laughter, not just politeness. And today in Japanese class some kid in my class ordered beer at the “restaurant,” said he was eating his Sprite instead of drinking it, and got stuck on repetition so that when he was asked if he would go somewhere, instead responded that he didn’t speak Russian. I was dying laughing. Seriously. Everyone was, even our teacher. It was like we were in a comedy club or something.

There is one joke that I’ve heard way too many times in Spanish classes. How are a girl and an apple alike? No espera/ es pera! Get it? It’s supposed to refer to girls who say they’ll wait for their missionaries. Like I said, I’ve heard it waaaay too many times.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Every time I

look at my blog, I realize how ugly it is.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


So, every time Katie and Bryan's car is gone, Kegan and I say to each other, "maybe they're at the hospital! Katie could be having the baby RIGHT NOW!" But then they always come home and Katie is still pregnant. BUT. They went to the hospital yesterday morning (I have this from a very reliable source--one of Katie's blood relatives, justsoyouknow) and the predication (from the doctor, another reliable source, don'tyoutrustme?!) is that she would have the baby at 8 or 9 last night. Baby Lewis! Are you here? We're excited to meet you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Someone give me a gold medal... or an IV

Because I may not survive yoga or learning Japanese.

Yoga is hard. Yoga is painful. Yoga highlights how unbelievably inflexible I am.

But yoga is good for me. Especially those tight muscles that are so friendly that they invite themselves in to stay all the time.

Japanese is incomprehensible. Japanese makes me feel like a doofus. Japanese is nothing like those lovely Latin-based languages that I am so familiar with.

But Japanese is good for me. And it's kind of a big deal to Kegan's side of the family. And can one truly enjoy Japanese fashion without knowing how to speak Japanese? I don't want to risk it.

And Japanese class happens to be fun, even though I'm a total slug when it comes to learning. Just call me what my sensei sometimes does, "Lovespend-san."