Monday, October 4, 2010

Check off and Chekhov

I love
1. Fall, winter
2. Good digestion
3. Brown toast
4. Grey skies
5. The mixed smell of exhaust and cigarette smoke when standing curbside
6. Wool blankets

I hate
1. The smell of mutton
2. Forgetting deodorant
3. When someone steps on the heel of my shoe

I crave
1. Change
2. Almond boba
3. A piano

I've always been pleased with
1. My hands
2. My feet
3. My collarbones (which I'll always have, don't you think? Unlike my lack of age spots)

I want to hear
1. My nephew, Sam, saying my name
2. This song
3. Rain falling, splat-splattering

I think
1. About dogsleds
2. Dentists are important
3. Reality television is mostly awful