Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'd be okay if she forgot me

I do laundry every week, usually three or four loads. After the clothes are washed and dried, I take the warm baskets into the bedroom and fold and hang up the shirts and sweaters and slacks. Every week I listen to the radio program This American Life as I do this. Sometimes the episodes make me laugh out loud, sometimes they just make me think. There are stories that stay with me and stories that I seem to forget, or at least to tuck away into some hazy lobe of memory until they come back to me, triggered by a word or a feeling.

I've listened to almost all of the episodes from 2009 and 2010, so I've started dipping into older years. From 2008 there is an episode called "Life After Death." The second act of the episode is called "Guilty As Not Charged." It stays with me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Aid Kit

They're a Swedish band. Two sisters. Too lovely. They are my newest musical love. In order to appreciate the second video, you really must watch the first. If you like both of those, watch the third.

But I think the second may be my favorite.




Monday, January 3, 2011

To make a day for you

Do you remember when the farmer sings this song, from the movie, "Babe"?

If I had words to make a day for you,
I'd sing you a morning golden and true
I would make this day last for all time
then fill the night deep in moonshine

If I had words to make a day for you,
I'd give you a morning golden and true
I would make this day last for all time
then fill the night deep with moonshine

This song comes to me and plays in my mind randomly. It has ever since I saw the movie in middle school or whenever it came out.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Full House

What is the unifying characteristic of the following list?

Lunch Lady
PB&J -Pam Beesley and Jim
Michael Moore
Yukon Cornelius
New Brunswick
Lil' Wayne
The People's Republic (of China)
Yo Mama
Koogin Spoonloove
LeBron James
Caleb Debenham
Queen of Sheba
Sasha Fierce
Han Solo
Ender and Bean
Pope John Paul (RIP)
Queen Latifah
Aaron Carter
Hello Kitty!
Sasha and Malia
Kegan's Asian Child
New shoe smell
Sugar-coated bacon
Vanessa Hudgens
Pouty Face
Smelly Fat
Dwayne Wade
Orange Juice
Akon's house
Easter bunny
Snow slush
Cinnamon roll tush
Bear paws
Bear Grizzly
King of the Lab
O Canada

Each item has been written in as my "name" on my past Yahtzee cards.

That's a lot of games of Yahtzee.