Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Kite Runner

"I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night."

-Khaled Hosseini

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Positive

In church last Sunday a sign-up sheet was passed around for a blood drive. I took a good few minutes to look at the sheet (it was nearly empty). I thought about my last experience giving blood (I threw up on myself while the needle was in my arm) and what I told myself (that I would not donate again until I had given birth). And then, filled with anxiety and knowing it was a bad bad bad idea, I wrote down my name.

And this Sunday I'm going to cross my name right off.

For me, giving blood is NEVER a good experience. But I feel an obligation to do it. I have really amazing blood. If you're A positive and you find yourself needing a transfusion, you will be wanting a pint of my stuff. I've never done drugs, I have a good health history, and I've never been to Africa. And I figure that maybe I don't do much that makes a big difference, but giving my blood could make a difference to someone.

So even though I almost pass out every single time (I did pass out the first time I gave blood, now I know the warnings signs and can usually tell the phlebotomist to adjust my lawn chair before the darkness closes in completely), am extremely squeamish around needles, and am incapacitated for at least a full day after (often two)--I give blood. I tried to donate on my birthday once (my 17th?). They couldn't find a vein (a common problem I have, one time the phlebotomist burst a blood vessel while digging around in my arm and I looked like someone had clubbed me with a baseball bat).

But this time, it's not going to happen. I'm not going to do it. I don't think... Just thinking about donating brings back a powerful memory of the nausea and cold sweats that I experience every time I get the needle in my arm.

My mom told me that she passed out every time she gave blood until she had a baby. So, unless my sense of obligation overwhelms me, I am waiting until after childbirth. Then I will be a blood donating MACHINE.

Just... don't let me talk myself into it, okay?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh 2002...

So, here is ANOTHER music post. My mind has a nearly constant soundtrack: there's always some lyric from somewhere floating around in my head.

Today part of the chorus from "Everything" by Stereofuse popped into my mind. I really liked it when came out--I was like sixteen or fifteen--and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard it since then. It's not really fitting with my current taste, but here it is anything.

Haha--I just remembered Our Lady Peace, "Somewhere Out There" came out around the same time as "Everything." Oh music from high school. Man I'm feeling very nostalgic now. If only I still had really big hair (it was a power of nature, resistance was futile), braces, and some acrylic paints I'd really feel like I was back at WHS.

Ahh! And remember Everclear? "I Will Buy You A New Life"!! And Sugar Ray? And Red Hot Chili Peppers! And Goo Goo Dolls (whom, I will admit, I still have a deep love for). I need to stop. Every band and lyric I think of acts as a chain reaction. Okay, really, I'm done. I think. And remember Third Eye Blind! Okay, now I'm really done... And Barenaked Ladies! Okay, okay, and now...

And Matchbox 30! And Smashmouth!

One year Sugar Ray and Matchbox did a concert together. I kind of wanted to go. My brother said, "Amanda! No! Their music has no soul!" What can I say? I was young and impressionable and had acne.

The end (for real this time).

Monday, July 5, 2010

Un Sospiro

I've had this piece by Franz Liszt in my head all day.

It's one of those pieces that makes me stop whatever I'm doing and just listen.

Another song that makes me do that is from the soundtrack of "Cider House Rules" (which I haven't actually seen), composed by Rachel Portman. It was used in a commercial that was attempting to lure tourists to Michigan. I've never had a particular pull to go to Michigan, but when I heard the song, I thought, "Yeah... Michigan... yeah..." Anyway, it's pretty. I don't think it's as amazing as "Un Sospiro," but I like them both very much.

P.S. I don't think the link I have to the CHR song is the full song--just fyi.