Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So, in the last few weeks I've started listening to some Sparklehorse, specifically the "Good Morning Spider" album. It's kind of funky, kind of lovely, and a little disconcerting.

I keep listening to this song over and over.

I'm not sure how I feel about Sparklehorse overall. I'll let you know.


I cannot get over this recording.

I pretty much use Youtube only for the music I can find on there.

I found this while looking for this awesome song.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey. HEY!

I think that now would be a good time to tell you about the desk arrangement at my work. It's only natural. And heaven knows you've been pleading for these juicy details for AGES.

I work in an office. I am a secretary/receptionist-person. When you walk into our office, you will face a very uninteresting wall. It has a painting on it in faded colors featuring some kids sailing in a boat. To your right is Maggie's desk: a large, tall, L-shaped affair that looks very official. To your left is my desk: a normal, short desk. I am tucked very neatly into a corner, perhaps too neatly: people never see me. Never. I mean, after someone comes in and gawks around a bit, they'll see me after a while. But I cannot tell you how many times I hear, "Oh! I didn't see you there!" in a four-hour period.

Anyway. When you walk into our office, your first instinct will be to lean your elbows onto Maggie's desk and wait patiently/impatiently for her to notice you. Sometimes she will, sometimes she won't--both of which will sometimes be on purpose. Now, my desk is where it is so that I can pull the "traffic" away from Maggie so that she can do more important things while I answer questions like, "I want to declare my major, do I do that here?" and "Where's the weight room?" and "Do you have a band-aid?" Tedious drivel, I know, but I take my due pride in answering with a smile and a perky "You're welcome!" I know it seems a little... lame... but if I don't do this, I feel judged, like I'm not doing my job and I'm a lazy employee (I'm not--in case you were on the fence about it).

So, while Maggie is deciding whether or not she's going to notice the poor chap hovering at her desk, I have to call out, "Can I help you?" or "Are you looking for someone?" or "Do you have a question?" I'm almost always saying this to someone's backside. If the person hears me, there are two reactions (and only two): 1) he or she is surprised and smiles, like I am some kind of treat/ played a joke on them, or 2) he or she jumps and is actually startled and looks at me like I've tried to slip my hand in their pocket and retrieve their wallet. While neither of these reactions make my heart overflow with goodwill, they are both preferable to when he or she does not hear me.

Not hearing me, by the way, is totally ridiculous. Our office holds a steady decibel level about on par with a mausoleum. It's not like there's sooo much going on; if someone breathes heavily, all heads turn. So anyway, someone doesn't hear me: Sometimes they think that it was Maggie who said something to them, and they leave their elbows on her desk and say, "Uh yeah, I need to ask someone about internships." At this point Maggie either helps them or continues to ignore them and I am left to repeat myself and bleat out, "Um, CAN I HELP YOU?!!?!" After such a display of projection prowess, he or she generally turns around and then reacts in one of the two ways discussed.

But sometimes, they still don't hear. I cannot understand this. They must be choosing to ignore me (those jerks!). I only repeat myself twice and then I say things like, "Hey. Hey!" Sometimes I don't even get to the "heys." I'm too demoralized.

The absolute worst is when I go through the whole process of shouting at them like I'm hailing a taxi, pull out the "heys," and when they finally hear me and ask their question, it is in fact something I cannot answer and they have to talk to Maggie anyway. The WORST. After an episode like that, I just drag my poor, hoarse self over to the candy drawer (it's along the wall opposite of my desk) and bury my troubles in fun-sized Milky Way bars.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hands on armrests

Today I went to Mel's office and said, "Okay, so I think I want to go to grad school, but my GPA is abysmal. I have a ______ GPA. Is there anything I can do to help myself out as far as applications go?" And he told me some very helpful things and sent me a very large document and, as usual, I got a little teary-eyed at his kindness and at my own in-shambles academic record. He did not know I was teary-eyed, thank heaven. I get that way all the time when people are kind to me. It just lasts a few seconds and I like to think I'm the only one that knows what's happening with my
over-bright eyes.

Monday, June 14, 2010


My brother-in-law, David, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And I remember his dad talking about going to fish fries out there. I want to go to a fish fry.

In other news, can I just say that Greek yogurt is my new favorite? Way better than regular yogurt. I OD'd on regular yogurt about five years ago and still haven't gotten over it. Greek yogurt may have saved me.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

For the ears and heart

Okay, I know I've already put their music up here, but these recordings are phenomenal.

Ray Lamontagne, "Jolene"
Priscilla Ahn, "Willow"

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sooner than you think

Someday I will no longer be taking classes. Someday I will have a different job than I have now.

That will be a good day.

Something else:
Today in my editing-for-publication class, my professor talked about finding jobs. He said, "Your first job may be your dream job. But your first job may be as, say, a receptionist (not that there's anything wrong with being a receptionist, that's just probably not what you're interested in). But that does NOT mean that you are a receptionist. You are an editor that is temporarily working as a receptionist while you find an editing job."

I'll have to keep that little pep talk in mind when I get my first out-of-college job as burger flipper. Kidding. Really... I hope!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tis the Season

Today in church I made a list of food I want to have this week. This happens a lot on fast Sundays. Someone was announcing which hymns we'd be singing and I was using the program and a pen from my scripture case to jot down things like, "margherita pizza" and "twice baked potatoes," and "peanut butter ice cream pie." I really should plan out every meal for the entire month on fast Sunday--I'm always very motivated in the food department. I also thumbed through three cookbooks today. Cookbooks read kind of like novels for me. I read about how to cook things even if I have no intention of actually making them.

Today was warm. Kind of hot, even. It's been the first day this year that I've actually felt the kind of heat that I associate with summer. During summers in Oregon, I used to press my nose against the black screen in my bedroom window. I always swore I could smell the sunshine. Logically, I may have been smelling only the screen itself, but I still think it was the sun. That whole practice meant I had a dirty-looking nose a lot of the time. A small price to pay for smelling the weather.

I'm looking forward to this summer. Kegan just bought a charcoal grill; it should be here on Tuesday. We've been talking about all the things we're going to grill and I am oh-so-excited. When I lived at home, we grilled like crazy through the summers. By "like crazy," I mean probably three times a week, maybe four. And we ate a lot of zucchini. Zucchini for almost every meal. My mom prepares zucchini one of two ways: either it's boiled, with Velveeta cheese added after the boiling, or it's baked in a glass dish with Velveeta cheese and crumbled saltines. I loved it both ways. I'm hoping to revive those dishes (but with a few changes) this year.

In case you were wondering, I intend to sign up for the Summer Reading Program at the library again this year. Any book suggestions? I've just started reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but after that my reading schedule is wide open.