I'm really starting to resent my blog background. I don't have an explanation for that. Probably something Freudian.
In other news: some truths have made their way into the light (inotherwords: into my brain. Finally). So, I thought I'd share with them you.
1. Kegan and I drink a lot of milk. Vats of it.
2. I am terrible at Japanese. TERRIBLE.
3. Macaroons are delicious.
4. When I'm looking for the big things, it generally ends up that I'm not looking for anything at all.
5. I have huge calves. It's like walking around with mini boulders (the only time "mini" and "my calves" will ever appear in the same sentence) attached to my legs. If I'm not exercising, they go to fat. If I am exercising, they get even bigger and turn to rock. The only way they'd be smaller would be if I were malnourished. I'm not so interested in that.
6. Working in nursery is fun.
7. I will probably never get more than six hours of sleep a night during the week.
8. Oatmeal is not so bad.
9. Comparing myself to others is bad.
10. I still compare myself to others.
11. The Food Network has taught me many wonderful things.