Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lars and the Real Girl --part II

Tonight I watched the whole movie. I loved it. LOVED IT. There are so many things I love about this movie. The normality. The strangeness. The beauty. The people. The insight into people's hearts/minds/whatever. I feel a pull around my heart and lungs.

So, so good.


Blogger Mariko said...

It's good. I'll agree. I'm in love with Ryan Gosling's talent. The way he plays his role so completely honestly is one that I group with very few other performances I've seen (Ruffalo in You Can Count on Me as an example) and seems completely devoid of pretentious acting-ness. I really value that in a movie and I generally will be that person's fan forever if they can pull it off even once. (Gosling is kind of amazing in almost every movie, of course.)
And just to show my split-personality off, I read your 'pop' confession and I kind of confess to being fascinated with young female pop stars, at least enough to watch their videos and read about them on wikipedia and wonder how they maintain such un-self consciousness (a nice way of saying that they're completely self-enthralled). I heard an interview with ke$ha on NPR yesterday and am appalled and riveted by her strange launch into fame. Truthfully I thought her music was a parody, at first. But I was interested anyway.

January 17, 2010 at 5:59 PM  
Blogger Sylvia Louise said...

Oddly enough, I do the same thing when it comes to pop stars, movie stars--really any over-the-top celebrity. I'm always looking them up on Wikipedia and reading about their childhoods and the outrageous political diatribes they go off on. Well, really, it's half horror, half fascination. And then I watch interviews that they do so I can see the way they talk. Really. I know all sorts of useless trivia about their lives. It's not really a fan thing. I definitely wouldn't buy a People magazine or something, and I don't really look for updates. I guess I'm trying to figure out what they were like when they were normal/believable. I don't really have a reason for this. Maybe it just means I'll get hooked on soap operas in middle age and have a subscription to OK! or something. I hope not.
Then again, I also look up people like J.D. Salinger and different Catholic saints. So... maybe I'm just addicted to information on origins.

January 20, 2010 at 2:41 PM  

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