I hate T.V. I really do. I've lived much of my college career without one. And half the time when I did have one, it was broken in some way. Example: there is a TV in my current apartment, but it has no remote and only one button for changing the channel, which means you can only always go up. So, if you go past your intended channel, you have to surf through sixty fuzzy channels to get back to where you were. I don't think there's a way to change the volume. There are two buttons that can turn the TV on--these sometimes alternate in functionality, sometimes don't.
There are a few shows that I have come to enjoy watching: "Biggest Loser" and "The Office," for example. I dabble in others. I enjoy cooking shows. But truth be told, I could stop watching any and all of those this instant and not look back. I used to like "The Office" because it was clever. And it is, sometimes. I like "Biggest Loser" because it's inspirational. And it is, sometimes. But none of it truly excites me. When I came out here the only TV I missed was world and national news (preferably with Peter Jennings, RIP. I did actually watch the two-hour, commercial free tribute to him when he died) because I used to watch it every night with my dad. There are very few things on TV that I've seen that were actually meaningful to me: the president's inaugural address, the pope's funeral, Conference (if you can count that).
I despise having the TV constantly on and flipping through channels of nothing to try and find something to watch that's slightly less nothing than something else. I hate the way TV so often kills social interaction. Like watching TV while playing a game. Everyone stares bug-eyed at the glowing monitor, their cards limply in their hands, the game a mere background activity and conversation silenced. DESPISE it.
Sitting there watching feels like a waste. Maybe it's just because I'm so busy right now. If I had more time it probably wouldn't feel like so much of a waste. But why sit there when I can read/ write/ call someone I haven't talked to in a while/ cook/ bake/ draw/ run/ clean/ tickle someone?
When I lived at Cinnamon Bear (or, Cinnamon Tree, as the sign "says")our apartment had an entertainment center and no TV. We put the fish bowl where the television set would've gone. Maybe I'll take my vendetta to a new level and go around kidnapping peoples' TVs and replacing them with fish bowls. I'm sure there's a really tacky outlaw name I could give myself for that, but I can't think of it.