To my faithful readers (all two of you):
I am creating a new blog using Wordpress because it has super fabulous spam protection. And spam L-O-V-E-S me.
I've toyed with the idea of just not blogging anymore, because let's be honest: I don't do cute backgrounds, my posting is erratic at best, and I don't do cool giveaways. But I'm going to carry on because... well... I don't really have a good reason. In this new-and-improved-so-cool-and-spamless blog, it's very unlikely that my current blogging habits will change. And this new blog isn't ready. But it's in the works. Slowly. I work on it for about fifteen minutes every two weeks (just to give you a ballpark for what I mean by "slow").
In other news: I am hungry.
Oh, and I was sifting through the filesuponfilesuponfiles that I have on my work computer, and found this quote that I'd jotted down while listening to This American Life:
“Not aware. Not aware! What could be more frightening? What could be bigger?” -Ira Glass