Monday, June 15, 2009


My family had a dog before I was born. His name was Marble. I have a few pictures, no memories. My brother, Greg has been known to tell me, "we had to get rid of the dog because of you" and "I'd rather have a dog than a little sister" and things like that. Or maybe it was Kyle or Dan. That sounds like something Kyle would have said when we were younger... Who knows. The good news is that my self-esteem has completely recovered.

I had a hamster named Lucy. We had three floppy-eared bunnies (Misty, Oliver and George). Kyle had a parakeet named Gilbert. Greg once had two mice--both named Andy. A little romance, and suddenly there were like ten other mice, all named Andy.

My mom once said that she felt that we kids were deprived because we never had a big trampoline. She felt kind of bad about that. We had one of those mini tramps used for jazzercise or something. The experience is not the same as a large trampoline--believe me. I was indeed deprived.

Which brings me to the main point: I want a puppy. You should give me a puppy. I always wanted a dog while growing up (minus the slobbering) and it is now the time to make my dreams a reality. I would feed it, walk it and it could sleep with me in my bed. This is completely logical. This is a good idea. You want to give me a puppy. You really, really want to. Do it.


Blogger Katie Lewis said...

Haha. Good thing your downstairs neighbors aren't the community aides anymore. Otherwise it would be a little tricky keeping your (hopefully coming) puppy a secret from the authorities. I used to have a pet fish when I was single. It died sometime before Bryan and I got married. We still have the fish bowl and food and I have often considered getting another fish. After all, it's not like you have to keep them from barking or something. And it's really easy to keep them in a back closet in case you need to hide it. Our problem was, the previous community aides had two little spies that like to come over to our apartment to play and, inevitably, I'm sure they would have seen a fish. And then, no doubt, they would have requested to go to Auntie Katie and Uncle B's to see the fish and I think we would have been found out sooner than later. But I promise not to tell my niece and nephew (or sister or brother-in-law)... or the real community aides for that matter... if you get a puppy. Actually, I really hope you do get a puppy. That would be so cool. If you get one, I want to see it.

June 15, 2009 at 9:21 PM  

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