Sunday, September 21, 2008

Poor Elinor

I'm not entirely sure why, but certain movies make me cry every time I watch them. Perhaps I should have prefaced such a statement with the following one: I cry easily. Not at the drop of a hat... but sort of. I'd like to be some tough leather-and-steel-tearless-woman-of-ice figure, but I'm not. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I feel overwhelmed by injustice (I will not give an example of this, because it will illustrate just how sheltered and babied I am--not exactly something I want to showcase, if you know what I mean, andIthinkyoudo). I cry when I witness something especially brave or especially pathetic. I cry when something is really beautiful. So, the fact that I always cry during the same parts in certain movies isn't much of a shocker. You hear those stories about the 6'6, 400 lbs football player/ fire fighter/ heavy weight champ that broke into tears at his daughter's first step and you're all like wow-how-touching-because-it-is-so-rare-and-tender. My situation does not pack the oomph and pathos-inducing power that that does. That lengthy disclaimer aside--I always cry during "Little Women" (1994 version). When Beth dies, it gets me every time. I don't know that I shed any tears during "Sense and Sensibility" (Hugh Grant, etc), but it always leaves me feeling a little melancholy. Yes, Marianne marries "the right guy"--but you're always wondering if Willoughby hadn't been such a cur when he was younger and if he'd married Marianne instead of Col. Brandon, if they wouldn't have been happier. You know, "love is to burn, to be on fire"--all that stuff. And when what's-his-name, Edward finally comes to Elinor and tells her he loves her and he's not married and the whole wa-bam, but she still cries. That kills me. Because I'm glad that things work out, but she's still crying and I can't help but think, "well, thank heavens, Edward, you dolt. But man--that really hurt her and it still hurts." I don't know where I'm going with this. Probably nowhere, if I'm being honest. I didn't exactly have a plan. So, I'll probably just end without explanation and very abruptly.


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